BritBox to the rescue!
If your subscription is canceled but still active, you’ll need to reactivate your subscription first before applying your promo code. To reactivate the account and add the promo code, please access our website either through a computer or using a web browser on your phone or tablet.
Here is how:
- Sign in to your account at
- Click on your name in the top right corner
- Click on 'My Account'
- Under 'Plan & Billing', click on 'Reactivate subscription'
- The next screen will ask, 'Reactivate Subscription?'
- Click 'Reactivate subscription' and follow the prompts
- Go back to 'My Account'
- Under 'Have a code to redeem?', click on 'Redeem Promo Code'
- Enter your code into the box
- Click 'Apply Code'
- That's it!
If you do not reactivate your subscription first, you will receive the following error message when you try to input the code: 'Please enter a valid promo code'
Please be aware that if you use a mobile browser, you may need to adjust your browser settings to avoid being redirected to the app. Learn more here.
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