To set parental controls on BritBox, follow these easy steps:
- Sign in to your account at, or our apps
- Click on your name in the top right corner (website), or click on 'Profile' (app)
- Click on 'My Account' (website), or click on 'Parental Controls' (app)
- Under 'Viewing Settings' (website), or you will be asked to enter your password (app)
- Toggle the button to 'On' (website), or click 'Turn Off PIN' and 'Save' (app)
- Create a four-digit PIN (website), or create a four-digit PIN and click the sliders to set the appropriate level of viewing restriction
- Click 'Set PIN' (website), or 'Save' (app)
Anyone watching a restricted program will be asked to enter the PIN before they're able to watch.
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