We're sorry to see you go!
To cancel your account, please access our website either through a computer or using a web browser on your phone or tablet. Please be aware that if you use a mobile browser, you may need to adjust your browser settings to avoid being redirected to the app. Learn more here.
Here is how to cancel:
- Sign in to your account at BritBox.com
- Click on your name in the top right corner
- Click on 'My Account'
- Under 'Plan & Billing'
- Click on 'Cancel subscription'
- The next screen will ask, 'Are you sure?'
- Click 'I still want to cancel' and follow the prompts
Note: Some mobile devices may automatically loop you back to the BritBox app, which does not support the cancel subscription feature. In the event this happens, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer to complete your request.
Your cancellation must be submitted 24 hours before your next renewal or payment date.
Once canceled, you'll receive an email confirming your subscription is canceled, which will also let you know the last day you can watch.
Uninstalling an app will not automatically stop your subscription. You'll still be charged if you uninstall the app without first canceling your subscription.
Unfortunately, we cannot cancel if you subscribe and pay using your account with these partners. You must cancel directly through them directly. Simply follow the instructions provided here:
Have more questions? Contact Us