We can help!
To review your renewal date, please access our website either through a computer or using a web browser on your phone or tablet. Please be aware that if you use a mobile browser, you may need to adjust your browser settings to avoid being redirected to the app. Learn more here.
Here is how to find your renewal date:
- Sign in to your account at BritBox.com
- Click on your name in the top right corner
- Click on 'My Account'
- Under 'Plan & Billing'
- In the 'Plan' section, your renewal date is shown
You'll need to submit any changes, such as updating your payment method, canceling, or upgrading, at least 24 hours before your billing period is due.
For subscriptions in Canada, Denmark, and Finland:
As of January 30, 2024, 7-day free trials will no longer be available for new annual subscribers.
Denmark and Finland
Annual subscriptions direct with BritBox will not automatically renew each year. Unless you are subscribed through Google Play or Apple*, these subscriptions will renew unless otherwise canceled.
*Note: annual subscriptions through GooglePlay or Apple can be canceled at any time, effective immediately before the end of the subscription term, and be entitled to a refund as per the platform’s policies.
You can learn more about cancelations here.
Have more questions? Contact Us